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University Education

Университетское образование.

Leeds - city

Leeds is a prosperous, commercial, industrial and manufacturing city, and is also the cultural and sporting centre for much of the region. In the
City Centre, modern offices have developed alongside fine ol

География и окружающая среда Англии, Уэльса, Северной Ирландии и Шотландии (на английском языке)

Scotland’s countryside contains rich variety of wildlife, with some species not found elsewhere in Britain. There are 71 national nature reserves and over 1,300 Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Four regio

Уэллс Герберт

Уэллс Герберт Джордж (Herbert George Wells, 1866—) — современный английский писатель. Р. в семье разорившегося лавочника; вынужден был еще в юности перепробовать разные профессии.

Education in Great Britain

. Full-time education is compulsory for all children in the middle teenage years. Parents are required by law to see that their children receive full-time education, at school or elsewhere, between the ages of


Elected presidents are concerned more with their own political futures and power, and as we have seen (in Brazil for example), may use their temporary tenure to enrich themselves. Monarchs are not subject to t


Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the poli

Топики по английскому языку /english/

Топики: образование в университетах, Кембридж, университеты Ирландии, Норманы-завоеватели.

Образование в Великобритании

This article opens the curtain above education in Britain and contains sufficiently complete and comprehensive information for the student and school staff. The purpose of this article is to study the system o

Education in Britain

F or largely historical reasons, the schools system is complicated, inconsistent and highly varied. Most of the oldest schools, of which the most famous are Eton, Harrow, Winchester and Westminster, are today

Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

Structurally the paper consists of three parts focused on the information about “the dialect” in general and the ways it differs from the standard language (its phonetic, grammar and other linguistic differenc

Поземельные отношения в средневековой Англии и их правовое регулирование

Поземельные отношения в Англии, особенно периода их становления, представляют огромный интерес. Это связано с тем, что в "эпоху феодализма в Англии, в области права центральное место принадлежало земельной собственности".

British painting in the 17-18th centuries (Британская живопись 17-18 вв.)

The greatest achievement in Irish manuscript illumination, the Book of Kells is now generally assigned to the late eighth or early ninth century. The Book of Kells is a manuscrept of the gospes of rather large
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