The population of the United kingdom of Gr. Britain is almost fifty
six million Gr. Britain is highly industrialized. The United kingdom is a
parliamentary monarchy. But it is well known that the monarchy toda
Становление лингвистики текста как особой лингвистической дисциплины
относится, главным образом, к 60-м годам двадцатого столетия, и оно пока
ещё не может считаться завершенным. Предмет этой науки не определен
All over the world scientists read the work with great surprise. Few
physicists understood its importance at that time. Everybody wanted to know
as much as possible about the author. In which institute did he
Portion I.
1. Michael Gosselyn’s office was furnished in good taste. Everyone who came there realized at once that it was an office of the
manager of a first class theatre. The walls had been panelled
and o
He never returned to the village. But before marrying the farmer , Ada-
her mane is Ada – wants to find Gorge Brown and to have a talk with him as
she seems to care for him still. That is why she has come to N
Speaking about art galereys of London we should first of all mention
The national galery, The national portret galerey and The tate galery. I
would like to tell you about National portret galery and about
Citizens of Russia have the right to education which is guaranteed by the
Constitution. The public educational system in our country incorporates pre-
school, general school, specialized secondary and highe
Near the Lower East Side there are two other neighborhoods that also
attracted immigrants and that are famous for their food.The Italian
restaraurants of Little Italy remain popular to tourists and Italians
Огромную популярность в последнее время приобретает метод
проектов. Каждый же учебный предмет имеет свою специфику и
соответственно специфику использования тех или иных методов,
технологий обучения. Целью обуч
What can you tell your English-speaking partner about Russia as the biggest
country in the world (it’s geographical position, its weather and climate,
What makes you proud of your Motherland (classic
The Convention states that a World Heritage Committee "will establish,
keep up-to-date and publish" a World Heritage List of cultural and natural
properties, submitted by the States and considered to be of o
В учебниках, учебных пособиях по русскому языку как иностранному
представлены способы выражения различных обстоятельственных отношений:
временных, причинных, пространственных, целевых и др.
Целью работы явилось изучение способов выражения сомнения (на
материале текстов современной художественной литературы) и особенностей их
реализации. Цель работы предопределила и ее конкретные задачи:
Ни одна культура, ни один язык не развивается в изоляции и любая
национальная культура и язык есть плод как внутреннего развития, так и
сложного взаимодействия с культурами других народов, а взаимодействие меж
Целью данной работы является выявление и описание способов передачи
на русский язык английского просторечия в самом широком диапазоне, от
применения ненормативной лексики до употребления фонетических и