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Stock market

The stock market. To some it’s a puzzle. To others it’s a source of profit and endless fascination. The stock market is the financial nerve center of any country. It reflects any change in the economy. It is s

Subjunctive (or conditional) mood

The chief difficulty analysis has to face here is the absence of a mutual relation between meaning and form. Sometimes the same external series of signs will have two or more different meanings depending on fa

Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследование проблемы алкоголизма среди студентов)

Though all people know the truth about the unprecedented guile of alcohol drinks, many of them fall in its skilfully set up traps. This is because of the character of alcohol, which can force to like itself, d

Survival of the Welsh Language

It is the eighth wonder of Wales that is the most wondrous of them all, the survival of the Welsh language in the face of almost impossible odds.
Sometime in the seventh century, a Welsh Bishop heard an Eng

Talking Business

There is a basic difference between these forms. A limited liability company is a legal entity (legal person). In case of a bankruptcy, it has to reimburse (cover) its debts with all its assets, but the credito

Tall Stranger

ponderously – тяжеловесно
1. to cake – забивать
2. bloodshot eyes – налитые кровью глаза
3. aching muscles –болящие мускулы
4. stallion – жеребец
5. to appreciate smb's problems – принимать

Teddy Roosevelt

The life of Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) was one of constant activity, immense energy, and enduring accomplishments. As the twenty-sixth
President of the United States, Roosevelt was the wielder of the B


Telephones are as much a form of infrastructure as roads or electricity, and competition will make them cheaper. Losses from lower prices will be countered by higher usage, and tax revenues will benefit from t

Thanksgiving Day

In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. The colonists learned from Indians how to cook cranbe

The 70-th anniversary

Our teachers and students have prepared for their 70-th anniversary for more than a year. During the last few years all meetings and arrangements at the Technical School were devoted to this date.


«Car, disait-il, il n'y a qu'un amour trиs violent et satisfait qui se contente d'une seule femme.» En outre, la mauvaise compagnie dans laquelle don Juan йtait plongй ne lui laissait pas un moment de repos

Pulizer Prize

1. For a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper through the use of its journalistic resources which may include editorials, cartoons, and photographs, as well as reporting.

Punks and Punk Rock

But the punk culture is constantly improved: even for example if to take group popular now «King and Fool» , in this group all singers with higher education, it speaks about much .


In the manuscript the last beat of bar eight is the resolution of the previous dominant chord to the tonic sixth chord. It follows by a modulation through Major tonic sixth chord and the Subdominant to the A

Quien Soy Yo? (Кто это - я?)

Me llamo Katia Zelenova, tengo 16 aсos, nacн en Rusia donde he vivido durante 14 aсos, Hace un aсo que llegue a Inglaterra.
Todavia tengo 17 GCSEґs de Rusia, los pase en el aсo 9. La educaciуn en russia es

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