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Самые спрашиваемые сочинения на английском языке


The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is situated on the North America continent and is washed by two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. The USA boarders only two countries —
Canada and Mexico.

This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachi and the Cordilierra. The longest rivers are the
Mississippi and the Missouri. The climate of the country is very changeable. In the southern part it is subtropical while the northern part has a very cold weather in winter.

America has fifty states and one Federal district of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated. The capital of the USA is Washington.
It stands on the Potomac river in the eastern part of the country. The main cities are located at the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. New-York, the largest city of the country, is situated on Manhattan island. Other large cities are San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and

The USA is a country of highly developed industry and agriculture. The main industrial centres are Chicago and Detroit, with their greatest automobile company "General Motors". There are many farms with various agricultural products. Grains, fruit and vegetables are grown on numerous fields especially in the South.

The USA is a country with great holidays, customs and traditions. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries in the world.

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