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Relations between Ukraine and English-speaking countries

Relations between Ukraine and English-speaking countries

Ukraine has wide relations with English-speaking countries.

First there are Great Britain, the United States of America and Canada

Our relations with these countries are in policy, economics, science, culture, education and sport.

Ukraine has diplomatic relations with all of these countries. It means that they have ambassadors in Ukraine and we have Ukrainian diplomatic missions in these countries. We have some joint political projects.

In economics Ukraine collaborates with these countries too. There are many joint ventures where the partners are from different countries but not from one. Besides, the goods from these countries are solid in Ukraine and some products are solid in these countries.

Scientific co-operation is also very important because Ukrainian science is very good but it has not enough money for experiments.

We have joint projects for space exploration with the USA and Canada. In future Ukraine will launch some space rockets from Canada territory.

Cultural exchanges are very intensive too.

In education we have wide relations with these countries. We exchange students and teachers.

Besides, tourism is very popular.

I must say, that in the USA and Canada there are many people who are Ukrainian by origin. So we have special relations with them. There is a Ministry of Diaspora in Ukraine.

As we have wide and intensive relations with English-speaking countries English is one of the most popular foreign languages in Ukraine. It is taught in very many educational establishments and at out school too.

Список литературы

Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта http://bazamstu.dax.ru/

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