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Мирное разрешение международных споров


for diploma paper “The peaceful settlement of international arguments” by

Tynchtyk MALDYBAEV, student of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University.

In this work there is analisis of the main components of the most importent priciple of the international law, the priniple of the peaceful settlement of international arguments.

The priniple of the peaceful settlement of international argumentsis the most importent quality of the modern international law.

The first chapter of the research is devoted to analisis of the peaceful settlement of international argumentsas a most importent as the most importent principle of the modern international law. Here the conception of the principle of the peaceful settlement of international arguments and its development are analised.

In the second chapter the international law system of means the peaceful settlement of arguments. The author tried to analise the essence of the various types of the argument settlements and made analisis of such means like direct talks, bon offices, mediation, international inquiry procedures, international agreement procedures, international justice and arbitration hearings.

The subject of the analisis in the third chapter is pecularities of settlementof international arguments by international universal organization such as United Nations Organization and by regional organizations such asthe League of Arabic States and African Unity

But the theme to which this research is devoted is not only actual and complicated. In the work the author made the proection the priniple of the peaceful settlement of international arguments.

This research helps to analise and define the main character and essence of most international conflicts of nowadays. This work is addressed not only for researchers and students, but for all who are interestedin this problem of peaceful settlement of international arguments.

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